LĒVO Time & Temp Calculator

Get inspired! LĒVO has gathered professional recommendations on duration and temperature for different herb and oil pairings. Let your imagination run wild and get creative with your own unique blends.

Choose your Herb

Choose your Oil

Base Infusion Guides & Recipes

We are here to guide you through the entire infusion process, from start to finish. Simply click on the corresponding blog post for the specific oil base you wish to infuse, and you will find a comprehensive, step-by-step walkthrough on creating your herbal infusion. Our blog post provides detailed instructions and valuable insights to ensure your infusion journey is a success.

How to infuse olive oil

How To Infuse Olive Oil

In the culinary world, few ingredients are as versatile and essential as olive oil. Its rich flavors and plethora of health benefits make it a staple in kitchens around the globe. However, if you'r...

How to Infuse MCT Oil

How to Infuse MCT Oil

It’s not always easy to tell which new “food fad” or diet trend will improve your health, especially when most claims aren’t supported by science. However, research indicates that adding medium-cha...

Wondering how to infuse butter with herbs? This photo shows sliced butter before being infused.

How To Infuse Butter With Herbs

Wondering how to infuse butter with herbs? Learn the basics with LĒVO. 

Learn how to make homemade ghee with LEVO. Image of ghee in a container.

How To Make Homemade Ghee

Learn how to make homemade ghee with LEVO.

Image of coconuts for LEVO's guide on how to infuse coconut oil.

How To Infuse Coconut Oil

Wondering how to infuse coconut oil? Learn the basics with LEVO.

Image of moisturizer made by following LĒVO's easy glycerine recipe.

Easy Glycerine Recipe

Who needs store-bought hair and skincare when you can make your own at home? Not us. Try our easy glycerine recipe for dry skin and hair.

Image of infused honey. Make your own by following LĒVO's instructions on how to infuse honey.

How To Infuse Honey

Learn how to infuse honey with LĒVO's easy recipe.

Image of a person dispensing milk from the LĒVO II

How To Infuse Milk

Learn to infuse milk with LĒVO!