You may have heard: there is a machine designed to streamline the infusion process so that it's simple, precise, mess-free and essentially, hands off.
With this in mind, not all home infusion machines are created equal.
Many of those on the market are repurposed soymilk makers that were ultimately designed for, well, making soy milk.
These machines tear up the plants - the very botanicals you're trying to gently coax the best qualities and nutrients from.
A big problem with these milk-making machines is that in tearing and whipping up the plant matter, chlorophyll is released, which tastes dirty, and introduces elements of oxidation.
This combination could create a color, or taste that is undesirable, overall dismantling the vision for a fantastic infusion.
Outside of aeration, temperature control is a vital factor that can destroy an infusion if not properly designed.
These elements are critical to creating dreamy, elevated infusions.
This is why choosing a patented machine that is designed to eliminate these potential problems can be game-changing!