Infusion Recipes

How to Infuse MCT Oil

How to Infuse MCT Oil

It’s not always easy to tell which new “food fad” or diet trend will improve your health, especially when most claims aren’t supported by science. However, research indicates that adding medium-cha...

Large Batchdoweedos

How to Make Doweedos (Dorito Edibles)

Whether you’re Team Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch, or Flamin’ Hot, we have the Dorito edibles recipe for you. Using a LĒVO home infusion machine you can elevate your Doritos game by infusing them with a...

dessertspace cake

How to Make Space Cake

Space cake originated in Amsterdam and has long been considered a staple hemp edible. The foundation of this delectable treat is a plain sponge cake but it can be enhanced with all sorts of ingredi...

Coconut oilMidnight Candy's LEVO Infused two tone DIY gummy worm edibles.

How to Make Infused Edible Gummy Worms

Not too many candies are as universally loved as gummy worms. So this medicinal flower-infused gummy worm recipe is sure to be a hit. LĒVO A first-of-its-kind device, the patented technology within...