
Infused Vietnamese Chicory Coffee

Image of a glass filled with Vietnamese chicory coffee. Made with LĒVO.

If you’ve ever been to a Vietnamese restaurant you may have enjoyed a Vietnamese chicory coffee. This salubrious hand-held sipper is the perfect way to ease yourself into your day. The creamy sweet richness of the condensed milk acts as a foil against the bitter qualities of the chicory coffee.

But first, why use chicory coffee? Chicory is a taproot from the dandelion family. It’s dried, roasted and ground very much like coffee but at a much lower price-point. Also, chicory doesn’t contain any caffeine, so there is a small health benefit in using this type of liquid in your soon to be flower-infused drink. Mixing a portion of chicory coffee with your usual morning cup of regular coffee beverage is a nice change of pace for your stomach. The combination just tastes delicious especially when served over ice and drizzled flower-infused condensed milk. Try our infused Vietnamese chicory coffee recipe stat!


1 comment

Warren Bobrow

Warren Bobrow

I’ve recently learned there is condensed milk and sweetened condensed milk. The sweetened one is for this recipe. Unsweetened needs sugar or caramel to taste. Very important!!

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