How To

Gummy Machine: The Best Infused Gummies Maker

Gummy Machine: The Best Infused Gummies Maker

The LEVO II is the most recent incarnation of the cutting-edge LEVO oil infusion device. The LEVO device streamlines the process of herbal infusion, which is typically costly and laborious and simp...

Coconut OilImage of homemade gummies, made with the LĒVO II device.

10 Tips n’ Tricks For Making Homemade Gummies

Learn our tips 'n tricks for easy gummies!

ediblesLEVO's Beginner's Guide to Making your own Edibles and Ingestibles. Here's everything you need to know to start making your own edibles.

The Beginner’s Guide To Making Your Own Edibles

Make your own edibles with LĒVO.