
What Are the Best Edibles for Improved Mood

What Are the Best Edibles for Improved Mood

Feeling down or lacking positivity from time to time is common, as so many of us lead busy lives with everyday stresses; and sometimes, life can throw us things that surely harsh our mellow. When we need to boost our mood, edibles can be a great option. Not only can they elevate your vibe, but certain edibles also offer mental clarity and creativity. In this article, we'll explore the best edibles for improving your mood. Plus, we'll introduce you to the LĒVO line of infusion machines, which can help you create homemade edibles that can elevate your vibe. 

making homemade edibles

Unveiling the Compounds that Make the Best Mood-Boosting Edibles

Throughout the day, the accumulation of small stressors can impact our mood in a big way, leaving us feeling worn down, sluggish, or overwhelmed. But fear not, botanicals may hold the key to lifting your spirits.

Certain compounds found in botanicals have the remarkable ability to positively impact mood, improving your outlook, boosting energy levels, and enhancing mental clarity and creativity. Pay attention to botanicals with higher concentrations of myrcene, caryophyllene, and limonene, as they are particularly effective at balancing and improving mood. Additionally, specific substances present in botanicals can bind to neuroreceptors in the brain, promoting relaxation and creating a sense of euphoria.

two women laughing

Now, the question is, how do you select the perfect mood-enhancing botanical for your edibles? First, consider the desired effect you want to achieve. If your goal is to alleviate stress and anxiety, a medicinal strain may be best suited to your needs, rather than one focused on boosting energy levels and providing mental clarity.

For a more all-encompassing, mood-elevating experience, hybrid botanicals are worth exploring. These plants inherit characteristics from both parent strains, offering a well-rounded effect that combines relaxation and mood enhancement in a single plant.

Before purchasing any flower or botanical for therapeutic purposes, it's essential to do your homework. Research and find a plant that combines the specific positive effects you are seeking. If you still need guidance, don't hesitate to consult a trusted professional who can provide expert suggestions based on your requirements.

woman researching strains on computer

Enhancing Mood Through the Art of Infusion

You might be wondering, why bother with infusing when you can easily buy mood-enhancing products off store shelves? The answer lies in the transformative experience of infusing at home with the LĒVO line of infusion machines. Not only do they yield high-quality results with minimal time and effort, but they also offer significant cost savings compared to store-bought mood-boosting products.

The best part? When you infuse at home, you have complete control over what goes into your mood-enhancing concoctions. Say goodbye to hidden sugars and added preservatives. You can rest assured that your improved mood infusion contains only the pure goodness of herbs, flowers, and botanicals.

Infusion is the process of suspending the flavors and health benefits of your favorite herbs and botanicals into a carrier medium such as oil, glycerin, butter, honey, and more. By infusing at home, you can savor the unique flavor profiles and therapeutic properties without the premium price tag often associated with specialty stores. Plus, your infused creation can be utilized in various ways – from enhancing the taste of your cooking and baking to elevating homemade skincare products for a more holistic self-care routine. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!

infusing oil using the LEVO II machine

To delve deeper into what sets LĒVO apart and how our range of machines is thoughtfully designed to cater to different user needs, explore our website and discover the distinct features and benefits LĒVO offers.

Infusion is a creative and rewarding process that allows you to take charge of your mood enhancement journey while enjoying the full control and customization that comes with homemade creations. Embrace the art of infusion and elevate your mood to new heights!

Discover the Finest Edibles for an Elevated Mood

Creating homemade treats is the ultimate way to experience the positive, mood-boosting effects of edibles. Why? Because you have complete control over the final product. You handpick the perfect botanical for your specific needs and create a specialized infusion using your LĒVO infusion machine. This way, you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits you desire without the potential side effects that mass-produced products may carry. Unlike generic edibles that cater to a wide range of issues, your homemade creations are tailor-made to your unique taste preferences and desired benefits.

Before diving into the world of mood-enhancing edibles, you'll need to create an infusion. First, select your preferred botanical and carrier medium. Butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil are all excellent options for crafting mouth-watering edibles. If you're new to the experience of mood-elevating edibles, consider starting with microdosing. This approach allows you to enjoy a more subtle and controlled experience by utilizing small amounts of herbs and botanicals for your infusions and edibles.

mct oil and anise infusion

Gummies stand out as some of the best edibles for improving mood. They are not only flavorful and highly customizable but also easy to consume. Our Edible Gummies Recipe serves as a fantastic starting point for experimenting with mood-elevating edibles. For a hassle-free option, try a Gummy Mix with our Gummy Candy Mixer, which takes the guesswork out of creating high-quality mood-boosting edibles. Simply add your infused botanical, oil, and water, and you'll have delicious gummies ready in no time. For an even quicker option, try Infused by LĒVO gummies, intentionally crafted to pair with your exact needs, like mood elevation.

flower infused gummy edibles

Baked goods also offer a delightful choice for mood-enhancing edibles. The aroma of freshly baked treats can evoke warm memories, and when infused with botanicals, they can further enhance your mood. Indulge in nostalgia with infused edibles that transport you back to simpler times, such as Oatmeal Cookie Edibles or Homemade Cookie Dough Bites.

With the assistance of LĒVO’s family of at-home infusion machines, ingredients and accessories, you can effortlessly create mood-enhancing edibles, from the comfort of your own home, at a fraction of the cost you would spend at a specialty retailer. Start your journey today and share your results with others online. Be sure to check out The LĒVO Love Club Facebook group for a plethora of additional recipes and valuable tips.

Embrace the joy of homemade mood-enhancing edibles with LĒVO and discover a world of elevated flavors and uplifting experiences.

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