How To

Image of leftover herbal infusion pulp after a LĒVO infusion.
dried herbs

7 Creative Solutions For Leftover Herbal Infusion Pulp

Want to reuse the leftover pulp from your LĒVO herbal infusion? Here’s 7 easy ways to get the most out of your herbs. 

dried herbsImage of a person adding herbs into the LĒVO herb pod for an herbal infusion.

5 Reasons Healthy People Are Obsessed with At-Home Herbal Infusion

Tired of spending too much on “all-natural” products only to find out they’re full of additives and chemicals? Here’s how the creators behind the LĒVO II are changing the health and wellness game w...

dried herbsLEVO 101: why dry fresh herbs like thyme before making a recipe?

Unlocking the Power of the Dry Cycle with LĒVO II and LĒVO Lux

LĒVO II comes with three settings: Activate, Dry and Infuse. Let’s dive in and understand a bit more about the LĒVO Dry cycle, and where & when to use it.